Welcoming Diversity Training Courses |
Duration: 1 Day
Course Objective:
Ensuring your staff know their responsibilities towards Equality and Diversity in the workplace helps to embed a culture where staff are free from discrimination, bullying and harassment. They will understand and appreciate the implications of the Equality Act 2010 and their responsibilities to it.
Course Contents:
- Understanding and defining equality and diversity
- The legislation covering equality of opportunity
- Good management practice
- Your legal requirements
- Recognising discrimination
- Challenging prejudice and discrimination
- The importance of appropriate language and conduct in the workplace
- Problem situations and challenging inappropriate behaviour
- The way forward
- Summary and evaluation
What our attendees have said about us:
Garry made us all feel very relaxed. It was interesting and gave a refreshing perspective. It wasn’t dry and staid and all were included and engaged
East of England NHS
Good, clear, concise and well organised.
Marches Housing
Very motivating, listened to concerns but managed to challenge in a positive way negative attitudes and to keep a focus on moving forward
Cambridge Housing
A very enjoyable course. The trainer was understanding, friendly, and direct. I would recommend this course.