Equality & Diversity Training Courses |
How this course can benefit you:
To help you understand and implement equality and diversity in the workplace
Duration: 1 Day
Course Objective:
Ensuring your staff know their responsibilities towards Equality and Diversity in the workplace helps to embed a culture where staff are free from discrimination, bullying and harassment. They will understand and appreciate the implications of the Equality Act 2010 and their responsibilities to it.
Course Contents:
- Understanding and defining equality and diversity
- The legislation covering equality of opportunity
- Good management practice
- Your legal requirements
- Recognising discrimination
- Challenging prejudice and discrimination
- The importance of appropriate language and conduct in the workplace
- Problem situations and challenging inappropriate behaviour
- The way forward
- Summary and evaluation
What our attendees have said about us:
Garry made us all feel very relaxed. It was interesting and gave a refreshing perspective. It wasn’t dry and staid and all were included and engaged
East of England NHS
Very motivating, listened to concerns but managed to challenge in a positive way negative attitudes and to keep a focus on moving forward
Cambridge Housing
Good, clear, concise and well organised
Marches Housing