People Skills Training Course Changed My Life!!



‘I truly can not thank you enough because I feel a completely different person since the course, I am more confident, I try to have a different perspective of peoples behaviour now. Before I would just think like a victim and think that I am being picked on, now I try to look at why people are saying things in a certain manner and realise that it is not necessarily because they are not meaning to be nasty, perhaps they don’t know how to phrase things or they might not be that confident themselves etc.. I am just trying to think about it, work it out and realise that some things are really not worth my time in worrying about them because it is not going to change the situation and it is certainly not going to enable me to achieve anything. Each day I keep getting better and better, so thank you.


Hopefully will see you for a refresher around Christmas time/New Year, might ask for the family to put towards it for an x-mas pressie because a course with yourself is definatley worth it!!!!’


Nikki B


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